Osteo Wellness Program

Dealing with Osteoporosis can be daunting!

If you are asking any of these Questions, this Program is for you!

  • What’s next for me?
  • What tests do I need?
  • How do I interpret them?
  • What foods are right for me?
  • How to eat less sugar?
  • Afraid to work out?
  • Should I be working out; if so, how?
  • How do I know which moves to avoid and which might hurt me?
  • How do I know where to start?
  • Whom do I talk to about my Osteoporosis?

What you’ll get:

This is an ongoing process; it can take anywhere from a few months to 2 years to get bones dialed in,
reverse the bone losing process and start the bone building and bone strengthening process.

  • Find out what is right for YOUR body and why this is so important
  • Not everyone has the same answer!
  • Get your questions answered
  • Keep current with your tests
  • Learn which test might be next for you
  • Find out what your tests mean
  • Find support with others in similar situations
  • See new balance moves so your balance is superb and therefore NO falling!
  • Learn new strength moves to keep the bones growing

The Osteo Wellness Program includes

  • monthly zoom meetings
  • new cutting edge research
  • workout tips
  • balance practice with new moves
  • food ideas
  • hormone discussion
  • new drug options IF people are interested
  • when is it right to consider prescription meds
  • Q&A for your personal specific questions

Osteo Wellness Program Specifics

  • Monthly for 1 hour, Wednesdays, September 25, October 16, November 20, continuing 3rd Wednesday of each month thereafter
  • Meet on zoom in the comfort of your own space
  • Includes 15 minutes or more Q&A to address your specific needs and concerns
  • You can also ask questions by email in between meetings and I will answer them at the next session
  • 10:00-11:00 am Pacific Time; 11:00-12:00 am MT, 12:00-1:00 CT, 1:00-2:00 pm ET
  • Comes with recordings, all on one page so you can find them easily
  • Osteo Wellness, 3 months for only $147, see button below

Strength Training Program

Strength training is THE number one thing proven
to build bones, AND to keep us youthful and vibrant
as we age

This is for you if any of these are true

  • You want to be proactive and keep your bones strong
  • You want to age as gracefully as possible and live a long independent life
  • You just know you want to be stronger!
  • You want to improve your DEXA scores for both lumbar and hips

If you know this is for you, go directly to the bottom for the specifics.

All resulting in

  • being stronger,
  • increasing your muscle strength which results in
  • increased bone density,
  • feeling more solid in your body,
  • having better balance (when the legs are stronger, and we will practice)
  • being able to do things that are difficult now
  • maybe even returning to activities you had to give up
  • protection for your joints so they won’t hurt as much


  • MUST BE ABLE TO GET ON AND OFF THE FLOOR – doesn’t have to be graceful :). This is not a “Chair” Strengthening class
  • No experience necessary

Strength Training Program Specifics

  • Time: Thursdays, from 12:45-1:45 Pacific Time, 1:45-2:45 MT, 2:45-3:45 CT, 3:45-4:45 ET
  • Online from the comfort of your own space on Zoom
  • Dates: Thursday October 3rd thru Thursday December 19
  • Comes with video of each class so you can practice during the week
  • Cost: $297 for 12 weeks (3 months), not including equipment.
    A set of stretchy bands is about $15. I will tell you exactly what to get.
  • Balance due before you start; $100 deposit holds your space. This class will fill.
  • 15 people maximum for individual attention

YES! Sign me up for EITHER Osteo Wellness OR Strength Training OR BOTH!
Choose from the drop down menu below.

Other Ways to Pay

  • Paypal: https://paypal.me/dotspaet
  • Venmo: @Dot-Spaet phone is 9878
  • Chase pay Zelle: Dorothy Spaet for Purple Sky 415 892 6605 maridot@jps.net; cel 707 235 9878
  • Checks in the mail: Dot Spaet, 1198 Simmons Lane, Novato, CA 94945  Please let me know so I can watch for it
  • Credit Card: call me, 415-892-6605, with your card info (#, exp, zip code, CVC)

I SO look forward to working with you and sharing this vital information!