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Just in case you think there is nothing you can do about your arthritis, think again.
I was having trouble with my knee last year. So many have said, oh that’s just arthritis.
I thought you might be interested in some of the things you can do to make it better
and prevent it from getting worse.
Yes, it is true! Yoga can help with arthritis. Getting you moving is the key!
In fact, people taking a 90-minute, Iyengar yoga class once a week for eight weeks
reported significant reduction in pain and improvement in physical function, as well
as noticeable improvements in joint stiffness. It even promotes better sleep.
Did you also know that apple cider vinegar is not only used for cooking?
Its anti-inflammatory properties are also helpful in alleviating arthritis pain. Apple
cider vinegar contains a number of vitamins and antioxidants that help to speed
the healing process. These antioxidants can also reduce the swelling and pain caused
by arthritis. Try 1 Tb in water, twice daily. Also try taking a cloth wet with apple cider
vinegar and rubbing it all over the place where there is arthritis.
Have you heard about the magic box tucked away in your kitchen cabinet? Yes, it’s
that box of baking soda!
Baking soda has been used as a home remedy for generations due to its antacid
properties. Yet its benefits run even deeper and it appears to tell the body to calm
down its autoimmune response and instead to strengthen the anti-inflammatory
response. Start with a teaspoon in water daily.
Experts say baking soda can help alkalize a highly acidic environment in your body.
Many holistic and naturopathic doctors, as well as nutritionists, health coaches, and
dietitians tout the idea that an alkaline body environment is better than an acidic one
for warding off any disease process.
Now let’s talk about something yellow! Turmeric isn’t exactly a food, but it may just
become your new go-to spice. Curcumin, the yellow-orange pigment in turmeric, is said
to be a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Many studies are currently testing the effect of
curcumin on different types of cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis, and retinal damage.
Now go ahead and start incorporating more of these things into your life on a regular
basis and see what happens! In the words of one of my students, “arthritis? what arthritis?”
As always, I’d love to know if these work out for you. Wishing you the best!
Dot Spaet